Switch it up, loves….it’s Winter time!


Well my loves, the time is here when we have to modify our hair care regimens. You can properly take care of your mane, so long as you care for your hair, properly.  Here are a few things to do in order to make sure your hair thrives while “old man winter” is visiting.

Moisturize, moisturize, MOISTURIZE- Loves, make sure you invest in a good moisturizer/leave-in. While most are a bit pricey, remember you get what you pay for…so if you have 4b/cish like me you need a good thick butter or cream to keep your hair moisturized. Also, the key indicator that you have a good moisturizer is the ingredients. The first ingredient on the list is what the product is mostly made of, so when shopping around…make you read the labels…WATER should always be the first ingredient. 

Use a good Oil to seal- Natural carrier oils such as Jojoba, Olive, Avocado, Castor, and vitamin E are all necessary for hair care. They seal in moisture and are very nourishing to natural hair. Very different from mineral oil, these and other carrier oils are absorbed into the hair strands.

Shampoos at least once a month- When choosing a shampoo, always make sure it is a moisturizing shampoo, or if you choose not to shampoo your hair you can CoWash (washing with conditioner).

Do Deep Conditioners and Protein treatments- You should do a deep conditioner at least once a week and protein treatment depending on your hair. Protein treatments strengthen your hair and helps prevent breakage. I do my protein treatments every 6 weeks to 2 months…

Do Protective styles- While its colder outside, it’s even more important to protect your ends. Styles like braids, sew-ins, wigs, or even a simple roll-tuck&pin will protect your ends from the harsh temperatures associated with winter time.My loves, I hope you all will find this helpful in taking care of your hair this Winter! Click on the pic above to Like my FB page and show your winter pics there!

Greek/Plain yogurt protein treatment…

Hey loves! I’m currently doing a Greek/plain yogurt protein treatment?! What is that?! Well, I’m glad you asked! 🙂

Deep conditioning with Greek/Plain yogurt moisturizes, detangles, and adds shine to your hair. It also works as a protein treatment, strengthening your tresses.

Here are a few beneficial things from a yogurt treatment:

-hair that is brittle, dry, and needs moisture

-hair that is dull, lackluster, and needs shine

-hair that likes thick, creamy conditioners

-hair that needs a light protein treatment

Here are the steps I took for preparation: place 4-5 tablespoons of Greek yogurt into a small bowl.

Step 1: Part your hair into 4-6 sections and make 4-6 big twists.

Step 2: Untwist one section of hair. Apply the Greek yogurt to the section from root to end using your fingers. Re-twist section. Repeat this process until all your twists are covered with yogurt.

Tip: Add more Greek yogurt to the drier areas of your hair.

Step 3: Place a shower cap over your hair for 30 minutes – 1 hour.

Step 4: Rinse your hair with cool or luke-warm water.

There are a few different recipes online, but this one is to easy!! You should try it!! 😉


Protein/CoWash day

Today is CoWash/Protein treatment day! I’m using my FAVORITE CoWash, coconut CoWash by As I Am. Going counterclockwise is my process. Detangle with my cocktail (not pictured) {in my spray bottle I mix water, conditioner, and oil}…so, I part my hair into four sections and apply the CoWash section-by-section, twisting as I go. I massage it throughout my hair and scalp. Afterwards, I rinse thoroughly and apply the protein treatment. I use a grocery bag to cover my hair because is too thick for a shower cap. I leave the protein on for 20 mins, rinse and style as normal.
